Rehab Pro Movement Therapy Clinic

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Rehab Pro Movement Therapy Clinic

Opening hours

30 Merchant Road, #02-09 Riverside Point S058282 / 68 South Bridge Road, #04-01 S058698
Singapore, Singapore
Our Booking PolicyPlease contact us at 97330703 if you are unsure on what service is required or most suitable for you. Thank you.




Proprioceptive Deep Tendon Reflex

. Duration:45 mins·

Neuro Kinetic Therapy

. Duration:45 mins·

Physiotherapy 45min

. Duration:45 mins·

MyoSkeletal Alignment Therapy

. Duration:55 mins·

Advance Sports Massage

. Duration:55 mins·

Posture Correction Therapy

. Duration:45 mins·

Music Therapy  

. Duration:55 mins


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Physiotherapy and Rehabilitative clinic helping people move the pain-free way, at their full potential with optimal strength, stability and flexibility. Specialising in sports physiotherapy and customised rehabilitative strength and conditioning for people from all walks of life.


, Highest rated
70 reviews
  • Gary Li
    ··from Google

    "NKT is a game changer in my therapeutic career".

    I learn NKT in 2017 which leaded by Joe. I was a traditional Osteo and manual therapist main focus on structure manipulation.

    NKT opened my mind about treating the body in neurological approach. It helps me to treating some missing part rather than strength, release and joint manipulation.

    Beside NKT course structure. Joe is also a good therapist and instructor. He is one of the most knowledgeable person I ever met.

    I for sure you will learn a lot in NKT SG and from my most trusted study partner - Joe

  • Lewis Toh
    ··from Google

    Both Junxian and Joe got into NeuroKinetic Therapy way back before it was "popular", Junxian (2016) and Joe (2017). Which means there isn't any local study group then. So Junxian started hosting one and they will meet up and learn to refine their skill while incorporating other modalities to complement NKT. Over the years, they have assisted and hosted almost all the NKT courses here in Singapore. On top of that they have been helping to guide and raise the standards of the new practitioners. They are truly the pioneer for NKT in Singapore!
    Well done, guys! 👏

  • Dorothy Lee
    ··from Google

    A team of knowledgeable therapists who are well-trained. I’ve had injuries over the past years addressed by them, which could not be managed by other regular methods.